Customer Review: 300D Deluxe Dog Coat

Customer review of the WeatherBeeta 300D Deluxe Dog Coat.

"There’s been only one coat that I can rely on each and every day for the last two years for my dog, it’s a WeatherBeeta ComFiTec Reflective Parka 300D Deluxe Dog Coat. I manage construction projects and even the OSHA inspectors have commented that she’s one of the only compliant dogs on the site ever due to its color. Bella is a rescue, thrown out of a moving car at the age of two weeks in front of me. She is now 4 years old. She is a trained working dog, who identifies leaks in pipelines. This is her OSHA approved working coat, it’s been washed easily 100 times, and the color has never faded and it is ready to go always.

I just ordered several new coats and have the same expectation that they will serve her well for years, thank you.”

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